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Welcome to my portfolio! My name is Annie and I am passionate about photography, videography and music (DJing and Production). Since I was little I was always engaged in some type of art and recently I've focused on visual arts with music. It's fascinating to combine these two mediums in a single piece of work. A couple of years ago I studied how music affects our emotions as well as how the brain's cognitive response is trigged by specific elements within a song. I was inspired to understand the link between the cognition in our brains and the way music impacts our reactions to photographs and videos. I hope to focus on music making in the future, as I believe it is one of the most important mediums when dealing with evoking emotion through art. 

My biggest influences and inspirations are my siblings. They both have taught me about individuality. My sister and her wildly creative and imaginative artistry opened my mind about myself and the art world. She's taught me to look at life with an open mind and to not be afraid of failure and/or risk. My bother has taught me about hard work and how to approach life with positivity. A large reason why I am so interested in creating artistic visuals today is because of them. I want to influence people the same way they influenced me because I have learned more from them than I have from anyone else in my life. 

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